Carry-Outs available at 11:30 and Dine-In served promptly at 12:00 P.M. Noon
The Direct Line to place a lunch order is 734-636-9477
Due to the high volume of CALL-IN LUNCH ORDERS, we are unable to return calls. If you placed an order via phone, the best way to check is to stop by and review the sign up sheets. We appreciate all the response to our lunches and apologize for the inconvenience.
Announcement: LUNCH CHANGES
Do to the high volume of lunches each day, we will no longer be able to add on the day of or add any calls after 1:00pm the previous day. Also, the day of, we will no longer switch from a dine-in to carry-out or carry-out to dine-in. We apologize if this is an inconvenience, however, this will allow us to better serve you.
In an attempt to keep our lunch cost $3.00 for members 60 and over, the 2nd lunch you order, regardless of age, will cost $5.00. Kim has done an outstanding job keeping the price under control for as long as she did, yet food costs remain high, so the time has come, and raising it only on the 2nd lunch purchased should have a small impact on a few people. Keep your fingers crossed for a dryer Fall.
Dine-in Service is available
Dine-In Lunch is served 12:00PM/Noon
Monday - Friday
Carry out lunches are available for pick-up at 11:30AM.
If you would like to order carry out or have lunch seated in the dining area, before or after your activity, please call
(734-636-9477) the day before by 1:00 pm and for a Monday lunch, call by 1:00 pm the Friday before.
The kitchen staff would greatly appreciate it when you telephone and leave a message to order lunch, TO PLEASE indicate whether you want a CARRY-OUT or if you will be DINING IN. Include your first and last name.
Lunch is provided in the order received.
Due to the high demand of the Betty Salad Lunches, they are limited to one per member.
Please take notice – We want to keep our meal costs low for everyone. With the rising cost of food products, it will be necessary to charge for a lunch reservation if there is a failure to cancel before 12:30, or we could not sell due to a no-show. We will expect payment during your next visit. The cost of kitchen products has risen dramatically during the past few months, whether cleaning or foam products. In an attempt to maintain our affordable lunch price, if you are not already getting a carry-out, there will be a .25 cent fee for foam boxes.
It is also important that if you are going to be late to call the kitchen and to leave a message. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE AT THE FRONT DESK or TRUST A FRIEND. If a message is not left with the kitchen or kitchen staff, you will be considered a no-show and the lunch could be sold.
When calling 734-636-9477 to place your lunch order, PLEASE only place an order for ONE day.
Lunch can only be ordered for one day via telephone. When you come for your lunch, either dine-in or carry-out, you may sign the sheet in the kitchen for any other days you wish to have lunch.
The Center staff are extremely happy with the increased volume of lunches ordered everyday. However, due to the increased demand, the kitchen staff are very busy preparing the lunches and don’t have the luxury of extra time to spend completing the sign-in sheets. THANK YOU!!!
We appreciate your help with this process.
It is also important that if you are going to be late to call the kitchen and to leave a message. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE AT THE FRONT DESK or TRUST A FRIEND. If a message is not left with the kitchen or kitchen staff, you will be considered a no-show and the lunch could be sold.
When calling 734-636-9477 to place your lunch order, PLEASE only place an order for ONE day.
Lunch can only be ordered for one day via telephone. When you come for your lunch, either dine-in or carry-out, you may sign the sheet in the kitchen for any other days you wish to have lunch.
The Center staff are extremely happy with the increased volume of lunches ordered everyday. However, due to the increased demand, the kitchen staff are very busy preparing the lunches and don’t have the luxury of extra time to spend completing the sign-in sheets. THANK YOU!!!
We appreciate your help with this process.
Dine-In Lunch remains $3.00
Carry Out
$3.00 for those members 60 and better (subsidized funded lunch).
$4.00 members less than 60 to help offset the raising cost of foam containers.
$5.00 for non members regardless of age.
Carry Out
$3.00 for those members 60 and better (subsidized funded lunch).
$4.00 members less than 60 to help offset the raising cost of foam containers.
$5.00 for non members regardless of age.
****To receive the member 60 or better price of $3.00 for Dine-In or the $4.00 for Carry-Out, you will need your scan card. Staff could be using handheld devices to register your lunch activity for funding purposes. Without a scan card, you will need to pay $5.00 regardless of your age.****
Breakfast is served Thursday promptly at 8:30 am, there is no Carry -Out service for breakfast